Facebook Messenger Bot is one of the new innovations that Facebook introduced to strengthen their online marketing campaign. With this innovative application, you will have an easier time in reaching out to your business partners as well as those from other locations through just a single click. Since messenger Bot is developed by Facebook team, it comes with a wide array of features that can surely improve the productivity of your team. Moreover, it allows you to post messages and respond to them while automatically sending them to the specified contacts. It also allows the user to broadcast messages to a wider audience.
This amazing bot is already used in many businesses today. It allows the user to easily reply to messages sent from other members of the system. It also allows the user to post a message to their walls and share it with friends. Messenger Bot also allows you to search for people by their name, create conversations with them and send private messages to them. It also allows you to upload files to the Bot, such as pictures and videos.
Aside from these amazing features, Messenger Bot also provides a lot of other features that most business owners find useful. It allows you to manage your inbox using folders. With the folder feature, you can organize all the messages that you receive in a particular day. It is also helpful for those who are always in need of new ideas or resources.
On the other hand, Facebook Bot has the ability to search for a particular business through its directory. With this directory feature, you can find the business easily as you type the name. Another great feature of the bot is the ability to send links to your friends so they can easily check out the location of your business. In addition, Facebook Bot helps you to manage your list of contacts while you are chatting with your customers.
Since Messenger Bot is still in development stage, it might not provide all the features that businesses want to have. However, most experts agree that it will definitely help businesses a lot. For example, if a customer wants to ask you a question, he/she will surely enter it in the form of a chat message. If the bot is equipped with advanced search technology, it will be easier for you to locate the answer for the inquiry the customer has posted.
As more business owners adopt messenger bot in their businesses, they will surely realize how convenient it is. Not only does it save time, but also improves productivity in a workplace. Furthermore, messenger bots will definitely increase your sales as more people are willing to purchase products or services posted on your wall. With all these amazing features of messenger bot, it is assured that business owners will really benefit from using it.